import { name as repoName, repository } from '../package.json' const RESOURCE_1 = '[GitHub Emoji API](' const RESOURCE_2 = '[Unicode Full Emoji List](' const COLUMNS = 2 const TOC_NAME = 'Table of Contents' type GithubEmojiIds = Array export function generateCheatSheet(categorizedGithubEmojiIds: { [category: string]: { [subCategory: string]: GithubEmojiIds } }) { const lineTexts = [] lineTexts.push(`# ${repoName}`) lineTexts.push('') lineTexts.push( `[![Up to Date](${repository}/workflows/Up%20to%20Date/badge.svg)](${repository}/actions?query=workflow%3A%22Up+to+Date%22)`, ) lineTexts.push('') lineTexts.push( `This cheat sheet is automatically generated from ${RESOURCE_1} and ${RESOURCE_2}.`, ) lineTexts.push('') const categories = Object.keys(categorizedGithubEmojiIds) lineTexts.push(`## ${TOC_NAME}`) lineTexts.push('') lineTexts.push(...generateToc(categories)) lineTexts.push('') for (const category of categories) { lineTexts.push(`### ${category}`) lineTexts.push('') const subCategorizedGithubEmojiIds = categorizedGithubEmojiIds[category] const subCategories = Object.keys(subCategorizedGithubEmojiIds) if (subCategories.length > 1) { lineTexts.push(...generateToc(subCategories)) lineTexts.push('') } for (const subCategory of subCategories) { if (subCategory) { lineTexts.push(`#### ${subCategory}`) lineTexts.push('') } lineTexts.push( ...generateTable( subCategorizedGithubEmojiIds[subCategory], `[top](#${getHeaderId(category)})`, `[top](#${getHeaderId(TOC_NAME)})`, ), ) lineTexts.push('') } } return lineTexts.join('\n') } function generateToc(headers: string[]) { return => `- [${header}](#${getHeaderId(header)})`) } function getHeaderId(header: string) { return header .toLowerCase() .replace(/ /g, '-') .replace(/[^a-z0-9-]/g, '') } function generateTable( githubEmojiIds: GithubEmojiIds, leftText: string, rightText: string, ) { const lineTexts = [] let header = '' let delimiter = '' header += '| ' delimiter += '| - ' for (let i = 0; i < COLUMNS && i < githubEmojiIds.length; i++) { header += `| ico | shortcode ` delimiter += '| :-: | - ' } header += '| |' delimiter += '| - |' lineTexts.push(header, delimiter) for (let i = 0; i < githubEmojiIds.length; i += COLUMNS) { let lineText = `| ${leftText} ` for (let j = 0; j < COLUMNS; j++) { if (i + j < githubEmojiIds.length) { const emojiIds = githubEmojiIds[i + j] const emojiId = emojiIds[0] lineText += `| :${emojiId}: | \`:${emojiId}:\` ` for (let k = 1; k < emojiIds.length; k++) { lineText += `
\`:${emojiIds[k]}:\` ` } } else if (githubEmojiIds.length > COLUMNS) { lineText += '| | ' } } lineText += `| ${rightText} |` lineTexts.push(lineText) } return lineTexts }