const $ = require("cheerio"); const request = require("request"); /** * @typedef {string} EmojiLiteral * @returns {Promise<{ [githubEmojiId: string]: EmojiLiteral | [string] }>} */ async function getGithubEmojiIdMap() { return Object.fromEntries( Object.entries( /** @type {{ [id: string]: string }} */ (await fetchJson( "", { headers: { "User-Agent": "" } } )) ).map(([id, url]) => [ id, url.includes("/unicode/") ? getLast(url.split("/")) .split(".png")[0] .split("-") .map(codePointText => String.fromCodePoint(Number.parseInt(codePointText, 16)) ) .join("") : [getLast(url.split("/")).split(".png")[0]] // github's custom emoji ]) ); } async function getUnicodeEmojiCategoryIterator() { return getUnicodeEmojiCategoryIteratorFromHtmlText( await fetch("") ); } /** * @param {string} htmlText */ function* getUnicodeEmojiCategoryIteratorFromHtmlText(htmlText) { const $html = $.load(htmlText).root(); const $trs = $html .find("table") .children() .toArray(); for (const $tr of $trs) { if ($tr.firstChild.tagName === "th") { if ($tr.firstChild.attribs.class === "bighead") { const value = $tr.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue; yield { type: "category", value }; } else if ($tr.firstChild.attribs.class === "mediumhead") { const value = $tr.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue; yield { type: "subcategory", value }; } else { // skip column titles } } else if ($tr.firstChild.tagName === "td") { if ($tr.children[4].attribs.class === "chars") { yield { type: "emoji", value: $tr.children[4].firstChild.nodeValue }; } else { throw new Error(`Unexpected situation.`); } } else { throw new Error( `Unexpected tagName ${JSON.stringify($tr.firstChild.tagName)}` ); } } } async function getCategorizeGithubEmojiIds() { const githubEmojiIdMap = await getGithubEmojiIdMap(); /** @type {{ [emojiLiteral: string]: string[] }} */ const emojiLiteralToGithubEmojiIdsMap = {}; /** @type {{ [githubSpecificEmojiUri: string]: string[] }} */ const githubSpecificEmojiUriToGithubEmojiIdsMap = {}; for (const [emojiId, emojiLiteral] of Object.entries(githubEmojiIdMap)) { if (Array.isArray(emojiLiteral)) { const [uri] = emojiLiteral; if (!githubSpecificEmojiUriToGithubEmojiIdsMap[uri]) { githubSpecificEmojiUriToGithubEmojiIdsMap[uri] = []; } githubSpecificEmojiUriToGithubEmojiIdsMap[uri].push(emojiId); delete githubEmojiIdMap[emojiId]; continue; } if (!emojiLiteralToGithubEmojiIdsMap[emojiLiteral]) { emojiLiteralToGithubEmojiIdsMap[emojiLiteral] = []; } emojiLiteralToGithubEmojiIdsMap[emojiLiteral].push(emojiId); } /** @type {{ [category: string]: { [subcategory: string]: Array } }} */ const categorizedEmojiIds = {}; const categoryStack = []; for (const { type, value } of await getUnicodeEmojiCategoryIterator()) { switch (type) { case "category": { while (categoryStack.length) categoryStack.pop(); const title = toTitleCase(value); categoryStack.push(title); categorizedEmojiIds[title] = {}; break; } case "subcategory": { if (categoryStack.length > 1) categoryStack.pop(); const title = toTitleCase(value); categoryStack.push(title); categorizedEmojiIds[categoryStack[0]][title] = []; break; } case "emoji": { const key = value.replace(/[\ufe00-\ufe0f\u200d]/g, ""); if (key in emojiLiteralToGithubEmojiIdsMap) { const githubEmojiIds = emojiLiteralToGithubEmojiIdsMap[key]; const [category, subcategory] = categoryStack; categorizedEmojiIds[category][subcategory].push(githubEmojiIds); for (const githubEmojiId of githubEmojiIds) { delete githubEmojiIdMap[githubEmojiId]; } } break; } default: throw new Error(`Unexpected type ${JSON.stringify(type)}`); } } if (Object.keys(githubEmojiIdMap).length) { throw new Error(`Uncategorized emoji(s) found.`); } for (const category of Object.keys(categorizedEmojiIds)) { const subCategorizedEmojiIds = categorizedEmojiIds[category]; const subcategories = Object.keys(subCategorizedEmojiIds); for (const subcategory of subcategories) { if (subCategorizedEmojiIds[subcategory].length === 0) { delete subCategorizedEmojiIds[subcategory]; } } if (Object.keys(subCategorizedEmojiIds).length === 0) { delete categorizedEmojiIds[category]; } } if (Object.keys(githubSpecificEmojiUriToGithubEmojiIdsMap).length) { categorizedEmojiIds["GitHub Custom Emoji"] = { "": Object.entries(githubSpecificEmojiUriToGithubEmojiIdsMap).map( ([, v]) => v ) }; } return categorizedEmojiIds; } /** * @param {string} str */ function toTitleCase(str) { return str .replace(/-/g, " ") .replace(/\s+/g, " ") .replace(/[a-zA-Z]+/g, word => word[0].toUpperCase() + word.slice(1)); } /** * @template T * @param {Array} array */ function getLast(array) { return array[array.length - 1]; } /** * @param {string} url * @param {Partial} options * @returns {Promise} */ async function fetchJson(url, options = {}) { return JSON.parse(await fetch(url, options)); } /** * @param {string} url * @param {Partial} options * @returns {Promise} */ async function fetch(url, options = {}) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { request.get( /** @type {request.Options} */ ({ url, ...options }), (error, response, html) => { if (!error && response.statusCode === 200) { resolve(html); } else { reject( error ? error : `Unexpected response status code: ${response.statusCode}` ); } } ); }); } module.exports = { getCategorizeGithubEmojiIds };