function assert(actual, expected, message) { if (arguments.length == 1) expected = true; if (actual === expected) return; if (actual !== null && expected !== null && typeof actual == 'object' && typeof expected == 'object' && actual.toString() === expected.toString()) return; throw Error("assertion failed: got |" + actual + "|" + ", expected |" + expected + "|" + (message ? " (" + message + ")" : "")); } // load more elaborate version of assert if available try { __loadScript("test_assert.js"); } catch(e) {} /*----------------*/ function test_op1() { var r, a; r = 1 + 2; assert(r, 3, "1 + 2 === 3"); r = 1 - 2; assert(r, -1, "1 - 2 === -1"); r = -1; assert(r, -1, "-1 === -1"); r = +2; assert(r, 2, "+2 === 2"); r = 2 * 3; assert(r, 6, "2 * 3 === 6"); r = 4 / 2; assert(r, 2, "4 / 2 === 2"); r = 4 % 3; assert(r, 1, "4 % 3 === 3"); r = 4 << 2; assert(r, 16, "4 << 2 === 16"); r = 1 << 0; assert(r, 1, "1 << 0 === 1"); r = 1 << 31; assert(r, -2147483648, "1 << 31 === -2147483648"); r = 1 << 32; assert(r, 1, "1 << 32 === 1"); r = (1 << 31) < 0; assert(r, true, "(1 << 31) < 0 === true"); r = -4 >> 1; assert(r, -2, "-4 >> 1 === -2"); r = -4 >>> 1; assert(r, 0x7ffffffe, "-4 >>> 1 === 0x7ffffffe"); r = 1 & 1; assert(r, 1, "1 & 1 === 1"); r = 0 | 1; assert(r, 1, "0 | 1 === 1"); r = 1 ^ 1; assert(r, 0, "1 ^ 1 === 0"); r = ~1; assert(r, -2, "~1 === -2"); r = !1; assert(r, false, "!1 === false"); assert((1 < 2), true, "(1 < 2) === true"); assert((2 > 1), true, "(2 > 1) === true"); assert(('b' > 'a'), true, "('b' > 'a') === true"); assert(2 ** 8, 256, "2 ** 8 === 256"); } function test_cvt() { assert((NaN | 0) === 0); assert((Infinity | 0) === 0); assert(((-Infinity) | 0) === 0); assert(("12345" | 0) === 12345); assert(("0x12345" | 0) === 0x12345); assert(((4294967296 * 3 - 4) | 0) === -4); assert(("12345" >>> 0) === 12345); assert(("0x12345" >>> 0) === 0x12345); assert((NaN >>> 0) === 0); assert((Infinity >>> 0) === 0); assert(((-Infinity) >>> 0) === 0); assert(((4294967296 * 3 - 4) >>> 0) === (4294967296 - 4)); } function test_eq() { assert(null == undefined); assert(undefined == null); assert(true == 1); assert(0 == false); assert("" == 0); assert("123" == 123); assert("122" != 123); assert((new Number(1)) == 1); assert(2 == (new Number(2))); assert((new String("abc")) == "abc"); assert({} != "abc"); } function test_inc_dec() { var a, r; a = 1; r = a++; assert(r === 1 && a === 2, true, "++"); a = 1; r = ++a; assert(r === 2 && a === 2, true, "++"); a = 1; r = a--; assert(r === 1 && a === 0, true, "--"); a = 1; r = --a; assert(r === 0 && a === 0, true, "--"); a = {x:true}; a.x++; assert(a.x, 2, "++"); a = {x:true}; a.x--; assert(a.x, 0, "--"); a = [true]; a[0]++; assert(a[0], 2, "++"); a = {x:true}; r = a.x++; assert(r === 1 && a.x === 2, true, "++"); a = {x:true}; r = a.x--; assert(r === 1 && a.x === 0, true, "--"); a = [true]; r = a[0]++; assert(r === 1 && a[0] === 2, true, "++"); a = [true]; r = a[0]--; assert(r === 1 && a[0] === 0, true, "--"); } function F(x) { this.x = x; } function test_op2() { var a, b; a = new Object; a.x = 1; assert(a.x, 1, "new"); b = new F(2); assert(b.x, 2, "new"); a = {x : 2}; assert(("x" in a), true, "in"); assert(("y" in a), false, "in"); a = {}; assert((a instanceof Object), true, "instanceof"); assert((a instanceof String), false, "instanceof"); assert((typeof 1), "number", "typeof"); assert((typeof Object), "function", "typeof"); assert((typeof null), "object", "typeof"); assert((typeof unknown_var), "undefined", "typeof"); a = {x: 1, if: 2, async: 3}; assert(a.if === 2); assert(a.async === 3); } function test_delete() { var a, err; a = {x: 1, y: 1}; assert((delete a.x), true, "delete"); assert(("x" in a), false, "delete"); /* the following are not tested by test262 */ assert(delete "abc"[100], true); err = false; try { delete null.a; } catch(e) { err = (e instanceof TypeError); } assert(err, true, "delete"); err = false; try { a = { f() { delete super.a; } }; a.f(); } catch(e) { err = (e instanceof ReferenceError); } assert(err, true, "delete"); } function test_prototype() { function f() { } assert(f.prototype.constructor, f, "prototype"); } function test_arguments() { function f2() { assert(arguments.length, 2, "arguments"); assert(arguments[0], 1, "arguments"); assert(arguments[1], 3, "arguments"); } f2(1, 3); } function test_class() { var o; class C { constructor() { this.x = 10; } f() { return 1; } static F() { return -1; } get y() { return 12; } }; class D extends C { constructor() { super(); this.z = 20; } g() { return 2; } static G() { return -2; } h() { return super.f(); } static H() { return super["F"](); } } assert(C.F() === -1); assert(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(C.prototype, "y") === "get y"); o = new C(); assert(o.f() === 1); assert(o.x === 10); assert(D.F() === -1); assert(D.G() === -2); assert(D.H() === -1); o = new D(); assert(o.f() === 1); assert(o.g() === 2); assert(o.x === 10); assert(o.z === 20); assert(o.h() === 1); /* test class name scope */ var E1 = class E { static F() { return E; } }; assert(E1 === E1.F()); }; function test_template() { var a, b; b = 123; a = `abc${b}d`; assert(a === "abc123d"); a = String.raw `abc${b}d`; assert(a === "abc123d"); } function test_object_literal() { var x = 0, get = 1, set = 2; async = 3; a = { get: 2, set: 3, async: 4 }; assert(JSON.stringify(a), '{"get":2,"set":3,"async":4}'); a = { x, get, set, async }; assert(JSON.stringify(a), '{"x":0,"get":1,"set":2,"async":3}'); } function test_regexp_skip() { var a, b; [a, b = /abc\(/] = [1]; assert(a === 1); [a, b =/abc\(/] = [2]; assert(a === 2); } function test_labels() { do x: { break x; } while(0); if (1) x: { break x; } else x: { break x; } with ({}) x: { break x; }; while (0) x: { break x; }; } test_op1(); test_cvt(); test_eq(); test_inc_dec(); test_op2(); test_delete(); test_prototype(); test_arguments(); test_class(); test_template(); test_object_literal(); test_regexp_skip(); test_labels();