feat: integrate Meting API and refactor api.php (#214)

add some music platforms, add netease-cloud-music cookies option.
Integrate Meting API into theme, now you can use aplayer play other
platform's music, refactor theme built-in api interface.
BREAKING CHANGE: refactor api.php, close #211
Spirit 2020-04-06 23:35:23 +08:00 committed by GitHub
parent 689fc6319d
commit 9abded81ec
No known key found for this signature in database
18 changed files with 2447 additions and 668 deletions

View File

@ -148,11 +148,11 @@
<div class="show-hide-wrap"><button class="show-hide"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 32 32"><path d="M22 16l-10.105-10.6-1.895 1.987 8.211 8.613-8.211 8.612 1.895 1.988 8.211-8.613z"></path></svg></button></div>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if (akina_option('playlist_id', '')): ?>
<?php if (akina_option('aplayer_server') != 'off'): ?>
<div id="aplayer-float" style="z-index: 100;"
data-id="<?php echo akina_option('playlist_id', ''); ?>"
data-id="<?php echo akina_option('aplayer_playlistid', ''); ?>"
data-server="<?php echo akina_option('aplayer_server'); ?>"

View File

@ -1,5 +1,18 @@
* Classes
use Sakura\API\Images;
use Sakura\API\QQ;
use Sakura\API\Cache;
* Router
@ -36,63 +49,16 @@ add_action('rest_api_init', function () {
'methods' => 'POST',
'callback' => 'bgm_bilibili',
register_rest_route('sakura/v1', '/meting/aplayer', array(
'methods' => 'GET',
'callback' => 'meting_aplayer',
* QQ info
* https://sakura.2heng.xin/wp-json/sakura/v1/qqinfo/json
function get_qq_info(WP_REST_Request $request)
if (!check_ajax_referer('wp_rest', '_wpnonce', false)) {
$output = array(
'status' => 403,
'success' => false,
'message' => 'Unauthorized client.'
} elseif ($_GET['qq']) {
$qq = $_GET['qq'];
* TODO: 设置host国外服务器默认解析的不是国内IP可能无法获取数据
* r.qzone.qq.com
* 参考https://www.php.net/manual/zh/function.file-get-contents.php#108309
$get_info = file_get_contents('http://r.qzone.qq.com/fcg-bin/cgi_get_portrait.fcg?get_nick=1&uins=' . $qq);
$get_info = mb_convert_encoding($get_info, "UTF-8", "GBK");
$name = json_decode(substr($get_info, 17, -1), true);
if ($name) {
$output = array(
'status' => 200,
'success' => true,
'message' => 'success',
'avatar' => 'https://q.qlogo.cn/headimg_dl?dst_uin=' . $qq . '&spec=100',
'name' => $name[$qq][6],
} else {
$output = array(
'status' => 404,
'success' => false,
'message' => 'QQ number not exist.'
} else {
$output = array(
'status' => 400,
'success' => false,
'message' => 'Bad Request'
$result = new WP_REST_Response($output, $output['status']);
$result->set_headers(array('Content-Type' => 'application/json'));
return $result;
* Image uploader response
function upload_image(WP_REST_Request $request)
function upload_image(WP_REST_Request $request) {
// see: https://developer.wordpress.org/rest-api/requests/
// handle file params $file === $_FILES
@ -114,19 +80,19 @@ function upload_image(WP_REST_Request $request)
$result->set_headers(array('Content-Type' => 'application/json'));
return $result;
$images = new \Sakura\API\Images();
switch (akina_option("img_upload_api")) {
case 'imgur':
$image = file_get_contents($_FILES["cmt_img_file"]["tmp_name"]);
$API_Request = Imgur_API($image);
$API_Request = $images->Imgur_API($image);
case 'smms':
$image = $_FILES;
$API_Request = SMMS_API($image);
$API_Request = $images->SMMS_API($image);
case 'chevereto':
$image = file_get_contents($_FILES["cmt_img_file"]["tmp_name"]);
$API_Request = Chevereto_API($image);
$API_Request = $images->Chevereto_API($image);
@ -135,244 +101,13 @@ function upload_image(WP_REST_Request $request)
return $result;
* Chevereto upload interface
function Chevereto_API($image)
$upload_url = akina_option('cheverto_url') . '/api/1/upload';
$args = array(
'body' => array(
'source' => base64_encode($image),
'key' => akina_option('chevereto_api_key'),
$response = wp_remote_post($upload_url, $args);
$reply = json_decode($response["body"]);
if ($reply->status_txt == 'OK' && $reply->status_code == 200) {
$status = 200;
$success = true;
$message = "success";
$link = $reply->image->image->url;
$proxy = akina_option('cmt_image_proxy') . $link;
} else {
$status = $reply->status_code;
$success = false;
$message = $reply->error->message;
$link = 'https://view.moezx.cc/images/2019/10/28/default_d_h_large.gif';
$proxy = akina_option('cmt_image_proxy') . $link;
$output = array(
'status' => $status,
'success' => $success,
'message' => $message,
'link' => $link,
'proxy' => $proxy,
return $output;
* Imgur upload interface
function Imgur_API($image)
$client_id = akina_option('imgur_client_id');
$upload_url = akina_option('imgur_upload_image_proxy');
$args = array(
'headers' => array(
'Authorization' => 'Client-ID ' . $client_id,
'body' => array(
'image' => base64_encode($image),
$response = wp_remote_post($upload_url, $args);
$reply = json_decode($response["body"]);
if ($reply->success && $reply->status == 200) {
$status = 200;
$success = true;
$message = "success";
$link = $reply->data->link;
$proxy = akina_option('cmt_image_proxy') . $link;
} else {
$status = $reply->status;
$success = false;
$message = $reply->data->error;
$link = 'https://view.moezx.cc/images/2019/10/28/default_d_h_large.gif';
$proxy = akina_option('cmt_image_proxy') . $link;
$output = array(
'status' => $status,
'success' => $success,
'message' => $message,
'link' => $link,
'proxy' => $proxy,
return $output;
* smms upload interface
function SMMS_API($image)
$client_id = akina_option('smms_client_id');
$upload_url = "https://sm.ms/api/v2/upload";
$filename = $image['cmt_img_file']['name'];
$filedata = $image['cmt_img_file']['tmp_name'];
$Boundary = wp_generate_password();
$bits = file_get_contents($filedata);
$args = array(
"headers" => "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=$Boundary\r\n\r\nAuthorization: Basic $client_id\r\n\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.97",
"body" => "--$Boundary\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"smfile\"; filename=\"$filename\"\r\n\r\n$bits\r\n\r\n--$Boundary--"
$response = wp_remote_post($upload_url, $args);
$reply = json_decode($response["body"]);
if ($reply->success && $reply->code == 'success') {
$status = 200;
$success = true;
$message = $reply->message;
$link = $reply->data->url;
$proxy = akina_option('cmt_image_proxy') . $link;
} else if (preg_match("/Image upload repeated limit/i", $reply->message, $matches)) {
$status = 200; // sm.ms 接口不规范,建议检测到重复的情况下返回标准化的 code并单独把 url 放进一个字段
$success = true;
$message = $reply->message;
$link = str_replace('Image upload repeated limit, this image exists at: ', '', $reply->message);
$proxy = akina_option('cmt_image_proxy') . $link;
} else {
$status = 400;
$success = false;
$message = $reply->message;
$link = 'https://view.moezx.cc/images/2019/10/28/default_d_h_large.gif';
$proxy = akina_option('cmt_image_proxy') . $link;
$output = array(
'status' => $status,
'success' => $success,
'message' => $message,
'link' => $link,
'proxy' => $proxy,
return $output;
* 定制实时搜索 rest api
* @rest api接口路径https://sakura.2heng.xin/wp-json/sakura/v1/cache_search/json
* @可在cache_search_json()函数末尾通过设置 HTTP header 控制 json 缓存时间
function cache_search_json()
global $more;
$vowels = array("[", "{", "]", "}", "<", ">", "\r\n", "\r", "\n", "-", "'", '"', '`', " ", ":", ";", '\\', " ", "toc");
$regex = <<<EOS
$more = 1;
$output = array();
$posts = new WP_Query('posts_per_page=-1&post_status=publish&post_type=post');
while ($posts->have_posts()): $posts->the_post();
$output[] = array(
"type" => "post",
"link" => get_permalink(),
"title" => get_the_title(),
"comments" => get_comments_number('0', '1', '%'),
"text" => str_replace($vowels, " ", preg_replace($regex, ' ', apply_filters( 'the_content', get_the_content())))
$pages = new WP_Query('posts_per_page=-1&post_status=publish&post_type=page');
while ($pages->have_posts()): $pages->the_post();
$output[] = array(
"type" => "page",
"link" => get_permalink(),
"title" => get_the_title(),
"comments" => get_comments_number('0', '1', '%'),
"text" => str_replace($vowels, " ", preg_replace($regex, ' ', apply_filters( 'the_content', get_the_content())))
$tags = get_tags();
foreach ($tags as $tag) {
$output[] = array(
"type" => "tag",
"link" => get_term_link($tag),
"title" => $tag->name,
"comments" => "",
"text" => ""
$categories = get_categories();
foreach ($categories as $category) {
$output[] = array(
"type" => "category",
"link" => get_term_link($category),
"title" => $category->name,
"comments" => "",
"text" => ""
if (akina_option('live_search_comment')) {
$comments = get_comments();
foreach ($comments as $comment) {
$is_private = get_comment_meta($comment->comment_ID, '_private', true);
$output[] = array(
"type" => "comment",
"link" => get_comment_link($comment),
"title" => get_the_title($comment->comment_post_ID),
"comments" => "",
"text" => $is_private ? ($comment->comment_author . ": " . __('The comment is private', 'sakura')) : str_replace($vowels, ' ', preg_replace($regex, ' ', $comment->comment_author . "" . $comment->comment_content))
$result = new WP_REST_Response($output, 200);
'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
'Cache-Control' => 'max-age=3600', // json 缓存控制
return $result;
* 随机封面图 rest api
* @rest api接口路径https://sakura.2heng.xin/wp-json/sakura/v1/image/cover
function cover_gallery() {
$img_array = glob(get_template_directory() . "/manifest/gallary/*.{gif,jpg,png}",GLOB_BRACE);
$img = array_rand($img_array);
$imgurl = trim($img_array[$img]);
$imgurl = str_replace(get_template_directory(), get_template_directory_uri(), $imgurl);
$imgurl = akina_option('cover_cdn');
global $sakura_image_array;
$img_array = json_decode($sakura_image_array, true);
$img = array_rand($img_array);
$img_domain = akina_option('cover_cdn') ? akina_option('cover_cdn') : get_template_directory_uri();
if(strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'], 'image/webp')) {
$imgurl = $img_domain . "/manifest/" . $img_array[$img]["webp"][0];
} else {
$imgurl = $img_domain . "/manifest/" . $img_array[$img]["jpeg"][0];
$imgurl = Images::cover_gallery();
$data = array('cover image');
$response = new WP_REST_Response($data);
@ -393,122 +128,134 @@ function feature_gallery() {
* @rest api接口路径https://sakura.2heng.xin/wp-json/sakura/v1/database/update
function update_database() {
global $wpdb;
$sakura_table_name = $wpdb->base_prefix.'sakura';
$img_domain = akina_option('cover_cdn') ? akina_option('cover_cdn') : get_template_directory();
$manifest = file_get_contents($img_domain . "/manifest/manifest.json");
if($manifest) {
$manifest = array(
"mate_key" => "manifest_json",
"mate_value" => $manifest
$time = array(
"mate_key" => "json_time",
"mate_value" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s",time())
$wpdb->query("DELETE FROM $sakura_table_name WHERE `mate_key` ='manifest_json'");
$wpdb->query("DELETE FROM $sakura_table_name WHERE `mate_key` ='json_time'");
$output = "manifest.json has been stored into database.";
$output = "manifest.json not found, please ensure your url ($img_domain) is corrent.";
if (akina_option('cover_cdn_options') == "type_1") {
$output = Cache::update_database();
$result = new WP_REST_Response($output, 200);
return $result;
} else {
return new WP_REST_Response("Invalid access", 200);
* 定制实时搜索 rest api
* @rest api接口路径https://sakura.2heng.xin/wp-json/sakura/v1/cache_search/json
* @可在cache_search_json()函数末尾通过设置 HTTP header 控制 json 缓存时间
function cache_search_json() {
if (!check_ajax_referer('wp_rest', '_wpnonce', false)) {
$output = array(
'status' => 403,
'success' => false,
'message' => 'Unauthorized client.'
$result = new WP_REST_Response($output, 403);
} else {
$output = Cache::search_json();
$result = new WP_REST_Response($output, 200);
'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
'Cache-Control' => 'max-age=3600', // json 缓存控制
return $result;
* QQ info
* https://sakura.2heng.xin/wp-json/sakura/v1/qqinfo/json
function get_qq_info(WP_REST_Request $request) {
if (!check_ajax_referer('wp_rest', '_wpnonce', false)) {
$output = array(
'status' => 403,
'success' => false,
'message' => 'Unauthorized client.'
} elseif ($_GET['qq']) {
$qq = $_GET['qq'];
$output = QQ::get_qq_info($qq);
} else {
$output = array(
'status' => 400,
'success' => false,
'message' => 'Bad Request'
$result = new WP_REST_Response($output, $output['status']);
$result->set_headers(array('Content-Type' => 'application/json'));
return $result;
* QQ头像链接解密
* https://sakura.2heng.xin/wp-json/sakura/v1/qqinfo/avatar
function get_qq_avatar(){
global $sakura_privkey;
$iv = str_repeat($sakura_privkey, 2);
$encrypted = base64_decode(urldecode($encrypted));
$qq_number = openssl_decrypt($encrypted, 'aes-128-cbc', $sakura_privkey, 0, $iv);
preg_match('/^\d{3,}$/', $qq_number, $matches);
$imgdata = file_get_contents($imgurl);
function get_qq_avatar() {
$encrypted = $_GET["qq"];
$imgurl = QQ::get_qq_avatar($encrypted);
if (akina_option('qq_avatar_link') == 'type_2') {
$imgdata = file_get_contents($imgurl);
$response = new WP_REST_Response();
'Content-Type' => 'image/jpeg',
'Cache-Control' => 'max-age=86400'
echo $imgdata;
} else {
$response = new WP_REST_Response();
$response->header('Location', $imgurl);
return $response;
function bgm_bilibili() {
if (!check_ajax_referer('wp_rest', 'r', false)) {
$output = array(
'status' => 403,
'success' => false,
'message' => 'Unauthorized client.'
$response = new WP_REST_Response($output, 403);
} else {
$page = $_GET["page"] ?: 2;
$bgm = new \Sakura\API\Bilibili();
$html = preg_replace("/\s+|\n+|\r/", ' ', $bgm->get_bgm_items($page));
$response = new WP_REST_Response($html, 200);
return $response;
function meting_aplayer() {
$type = $_GET['type'];
$id = $_GET['id'];
if (check_ajax_referer('wp_rest', '_wpnonce', false) || !wp_verify_nonce($_GET['meting_pnonce'], $type . '#:' . $id)) {
$Meting_API = new \Sakura\API\Aplayer();
$data = $Meting_API->get_data($type, $id);
if ($type === 'playlist') {
$response = new WP_REST_Response($data, 200);
$response->set_headers(array('cache-control' => 'max-age=3600'));
} elseif ($type === 'lyric') {
$response = new WP_REST_Response();
'Content-Type' => 'image/jpeg',
'Cache-Control' => 'max-age=86400'
echo $imgdata;
return $response;
$response->set_headers(array('cache-control' => 'max-age=3600'));
echo $data;
} else {
$data = str_replace('http://', 'https://', $data);
$response = new WP_REST_Response();
$response->header('Location', $imgurl);
return $response;
$response->header('Location', $data);
function get_the_bgm_items($page = 1){
$cookies = akina_option('bilibili_cookie');
$url = 'https://api.bilibili.com/x/space/bangumi/follow/list?type=1&pn=' . $page . '&ps=15&follow_status=0&vmid=' . akina_option('bilibili_id');
$args = array(
'headers' => array(
'Cookie' => $cookies,
'Host' => 'api.bilibili.com',
'User-Agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.97'
$response = wp_remote_get($url, $args);
$bgmdata = json_decode($response["body"])->data;
return json_encode($bgmdata);
function get_bgm_items($page = 1){
$bgm = json_decode(get_the_bgm_items($page),true);
$totalpage = $bgm["total"] / 15;
if($totalpage - $page < 0){
$next = '<span>共追番' . $bgm["total"] .'部,继续加油吧!٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و</span>';
$next = '<a class="bangumi-next" href="' . rest_url('sakura/v1/bangumi/bilibili') . '?page=' . ++$page . '"><i class="fa fa-bolt" aria-hidden="true"></i> NEXT </a>';
} else {
$output = array(
'status' => 403,
'success' => false,
'message' => 'Unauthorized client.'
$response = new WP_REST_Response($output, 403);
$lists = $bgm["list"];
foreach ((array)$lists as $list) {
if(preg_match('/看完/m',$list["progress"], $matches_finish)){
$percent = 100;
preg_match('/第(\d+)./m',$list['progress'], $matches_progress);
preg_match('/第(\d+)./m',$list["new_ep"]['index_show'], $matches_new);
$progress = is_numeric($matches_progress[1]) ? $matches_progress[1] : 0;
$total = is_numeric($matches_new[1]) ? $matches_new[1] : $list['total_count'];
$percent = $progress / $total * 100;
$html .= '<div class="column">
<a class="bangumi-item" href="https://bangumi.bilibili.com/anime/' . $list['season_id'] . '/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">
<img class="bangumi-image" src="' . str_replace('http://', 'https://', $list['cover']) . '"/>
<div class="bangumi-info">
<h3 class="bangumi-title" title="' . $list['title'] . '">' . $list['title'] . '</h2>
<div class="bangumi-summary"> '. $list['evaluate'] .' </div>
<div class="bangumi-status">
<div class="bangumi-status-bar" style="width: '. $percent .'%"></div>
<p>' . $list['new_ep']['index_show'] . '</p>
$html .= '</div><br><div id="bangumi-pagination">' . $next .'</div>';
return $html;
function bgm_bilibili(){
$page = $_GET["page"] ?: 2;
$html = preg_replace("/\s+|\n+|\r/", ' ', get_bgm_items($page));
return $response = new WP_REST_Response($html,200);
return $response;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
namespace Sakura\API;
class Aplayer
public $server;
public $playlist_id;
private $cookies;
public $api_url;
public function __construct() {
$this->server = akina_option('aplayer_server');
$this->playlist_id = akina_option('aplayer_playlistid');
$this->cookies = akina_option('aplayer_cookie');
$this->api_url = rest_url('sakura/v1/meting/aplayer');
public function get_data($type, $id) {
$server = $this->server;
$cookies = $this->cookies;
$playlist_id = $this->playlist_id;
$api = new \Sakura\API\Meting($server);
if (!empty($cookies) && $server === "netease") $api->cookie($cookies);
switch ($type) {
case 'song':
$data = $api->format(true)->song($id);
$data = json_decode($data, true)["url"];
// case 'album':
// $data = $api->format(true)->album($id);
// $data=json_decode($data, true)["url"];
// break;
case 'playlist':
$data = $api->format(true)->playlist($playlist_id);
$data = $this->format_playlist($data);
case 'lyric':
$data = $api->format(true)->lyric($id);
$data = $this->format_lyric($data);
case 'pic':
$data = $api->format(true)->pic($id);
$data = json_decode($data, true)["url"];
// case 'search':
// $data = $api->format(true)->search($id);
// $data=json_decode($data, true)["url"];
// break;
$data = $api->format(true)->url($id);
$data = json_decode($data, true)["url"];
return $data;
private function format_playlist($data) {
$server = $this->server;
$api_url = $this->api_url;
$data = json_decode($data);
$playlist = array();
foreach ((array)$data as $value) {
$name = $value->name;
$artists = implode(" / ", (array)$value->artist);
$mp3_url = "$api_url?server=$server&type=url&id=" . $value->url_id . '&meting_nonce=' . wp_create_nonce('url#:' . $value->url_id);
$cover = "$api_url?server=$server&type=pic&id=" . $value->pic_id . '&meting_nonce=' . wp_create_nonce('pic#:' . $value->url_id);
$lyric = "$api_url?server=$server&type=lyric&id=" . $value->lyric_id . '&meting_nonce=' . wp_create_nonce('lyric#:' . $value->url_id);
$playlist[] = array(
"name" => $name,
"artist" => $artists,
"url" => $mp3_url,
"cover" => $cover,
"lrc" => $lyric
return $playlist;
private function format_lyric($data) {
$server = $this->server;
$data = json_decode($data, true);
$data = $this->lrctran($data['lyric'], $data['tlyric']);
if (empty($data)) {
$data = "[00:00.000]此歌曲暂无歌词,请您欣赏";
if ($server === 'tencent') {
$data = html_entity_decode($data, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML5);
return $data;
private function lrctran($lyric, $tlyric) {
$lyric = $this->lrctrim($lyric);
$tlyric = $this->lrctrim($tlyric);
$len1 = count($lyric);
$len2 = count($tlyric);
$result = "";
for ($i = 0, $j = 0; $i < $len1 && $j < $len2; $i++) {
while ($lyric[$i][0] > $tlyric[$j][0] && $j + 1 < $len2) {
if ($lyric[$i][0] == $tlyric[$j][0]) {
$tlyric[$j][2] = str_replace('/', '', $tlyric[$j][2]);
if (!empty($tlyric[$j][2])) {
$lyric[$i][2] .= " ({$tlyric[$j][2]})";
for ($i = 0; $i < $len1; $i++) {
$t = $lyric[$i][0];
$result .= sprintf("[%02d:%02d.%03d]%s\n", $t / 60000, $t % 60000 / 1000, $t % 1000, $lyric[$i][2]);
return $result;
private function lrctrim($lyrics) {
$lyrics = explode("\n", $lyrics);
$data = array();
foreach ($lyrics as $key => $lyric) {
preg_match('/\[(\d{2}):(\d{2}[\.:]?\d*)]/', $lyric, $lrcTimes);
$lrcText = preg_replace('/\[(\d{2}):(\d{2}[\.:]?\d*)]/', '', $lyric);
if (empty($lrcTimes)) {
$lrcTimes = intval($lrcTimes[1]) * 60000 + intval(floatval($lrcTimes[2]) * 1000);
$lrcText = preg_replace('/\s\s+/', ' ', $lrcText);
$lrcText = trim($lrcText);
$data[] = array($lrcTimes, $key, $lrcText);
return $data;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
namespace Sakura\API;
class Bilibili
private $uid;
private $cookies;
public function __construct() {
$this->uid = akina_option('bilibili_id');
$this->cookies = akina_option('bilibili_cookie');
public function get_the_bgm_items($page = 1) {
$uid = $this->uid;
$cookies = $this->cookies;
$url = 'https://api.bilibili.com/x/space/bangumi/follow/list?type=1&pn=' . $page . '&ps=15&follow_status=0&vmid=' . $uid;
$args = array(
'headers' => array(
'Cookie' => $cookies,
'Host' => 'api.bilibili.com',
'User-Agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.97'
$response = wp_remote_get($url, $args);
$bgmdata = json_decode($response["body"])->data;
return json_encode($bgmdata);
public function get_bgm_items($page = 1) {
$bgm = json_decode($this->get_the_bgm_items($page), true);
$totalpage = $bgm["total"] / 15;
if ($totalpage - $page < 0) {
$next = '<span>共追番' . $bgm["total"] . '部,继续加油吧!٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و</span>';
} else {
$next = '<a class="bangumi-next" href="' . rest_url('sakura/v1/bangumi/bilibili') . '?page=' . ++$page . '"><i class="fa fa-bolt" aria-hidden="true"></i> NEXT </a>';
$lists = $bgm["list"];
$html = "";
foreach ((array)$lists as $list) {
if (preg_match('/看完/m', $list["progress"], $matches_finish)) {
$percent = 100;
} else {
preg_match('/第(\d+)./m', $list['progress'], $matches_progress);
preg_match('/第(\d+)./m', $list["new_ep"]['index_show'], $matches_new);
$progress = is_numeric($matches_progress[1]) ? $matches_progress[1] : 0;
$total = is_numeric($matches_new[1]) ? $matches_new[1] : $list['total_count'];
$percent = $progress / $total * 100;
$html .= '<div class="column">
<a class="bangumi-item" href="https://bangumi.bilibili.com/anime/' . $list['season_id'] . '/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">
<img class="bangumi-image" src="' . str_replace('http://', 'https://', $list['cover']) . '"/>
<div class="bangumi-info">
<h3 class="bangumi-title" title="' . $list['title'] . '">' . $list['title'] . '</h2>
<div class="bangumi-summary"> ' . $list['evaluate'] . ' </div>
<div class="bangumi-status">
<div class="bangumi-status-bar" style="width: ' . $percent . '%"></div>
<p>' . $list['new_ep']['index_show'] . '</p>
$html .= '</div><br><div id="bangumi-pagination">' . $next . '</div>';
return $html;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
namespace Sakura\API;
class Cache
public static function search_json() {
global $more;
$vowels = array("[", "{", "]", "}", "<", ">", "\r\n", "\r", "\n", "-", "'", '"', '`', " ", ":", ";", '\\', " ", "toc");
$regex = <<<EOS
$more = 1;
$output = array();
$posts = new \WP_Query('posts_per_page=-1&post_status=publish&post_type=post');
while ($posts->have_posts()): $posts->the_post();
$output[] = array(
"type" => "post",
"link" => get_permalink(),
"title" => get_the_title(),
"comments" => get_comments_number('0', '1', '%'),
"text" => str_replace($vowels, " ", preg_replace($regex, ' ', apply_filters('the_content', get_the_content())))
$pages = new \WP_Query('posts_per_page=-1&post_status=publish&post_type=page');
while ($pages->have_posts()): $pages->the_post();
$output[] = array(
"type" => "page",
"link" => get_permalink(),
"title" => get_the_title(),
"comments" => get_comments_number('0', '1', '%'),
"text" => str_replace($vowels, " ", preg_replace($regex, ' ', apply_filters('the_content', get_the_content())))
$tags = get_tags();
foreach ($tags as $tag) {
$output[] = array(
"type" => "tag",
"link" => get_term_link($tag),
"title" => $tag->name,
"comments" => "",
"text" => ""
$categories = get_categories();
foreach ($categories as $category) {
$output[] = array(
"type" => "category",
"link" => get_term_link($category),
"title" => $category->name,
"comments" => "",
"text" => ""
if (akina_option('live_search_comment')) {
$comments = get_comments();
foreach ($comments as $comment) {
$is_private = get_comment_meta($comment->comment_ID, '_private', true);
$output[] = array(
"type" => "comment",
"link" => get_comment_link($comment),
"title" => get_the_title($comment->comment_post_ID),
"comments" => "",
"text" => $is_private ? ($comment->comment_author . ": " . __('The comment is private', 'sakura')) : str_replace($vowels, ' ', preg_replace($regex, ' ', $comment->comment_author . "" . $comment->comment_content))
return $output;
public static function update_database() {
global $wpdb;
$sakura_table_name = $wpdb->base_prefix . 'sakura';
$img_domain = akina_option('cover_cdn') ? akina_option('cover_cdn') : get_template_directory();
$manifest = file_get_contents($img_domain . "/manifest/manifest.json");
if ($manifest) {
$manifest = array(
"mate_key" => "manifest_json",
"mate_value" => $manifest
$time = array(
"mate_key" => "json_time",
"mate_value" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time())
$wpdb->query("DELETE FROM $sakura_table_name WHERE `mate_key` ='manifest_json'");
$wpdb->query("DELETE FROM $sakura_table_name WHERE `mate_key` ='json_time'");
$wpdb->insert($sakura_table_name, $manifest);
$wpdb->insert($sakura_table_name, $time);
$output = "manifest.json has been stored into database.";
} else {
$output = "manifest.json not found, please ensure your url ($img_domain) is corrent.";
return $output;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
namespace Sakura\API;
class Images
private $chevereto_api_key;
private $imgur_client_id;
private $smms_client_id;
public function __construct() {
$this->chevereto_api_key = akina_option('chevereto_api_key');
$this->imgur_client_id = akina_option('imgur_client_id');
$this->smms_client_id = akina_option('smms_client_id');
* Chevereto upload interface
public function Chevereto_API($image) {
$upload_url = akina_option('cheverto_url') . '/api/1/upload';
$args = array(
'body' => array(
'source' => base64_encode($image),
'key' => $this->chevereto_api_key,
$response = wp_remote_post($upload_url, $args);
$reply = json_decode($response["body"]);
if ($reply->status_txt == 'OK' && $reply->status_code == 200) {
$status = 200;
$success = true;
$message = "success";
$link = $reply->image->image->url;
$proxy = akina_option('cmt_image_proxy') . $link;
} else {
$status = $reply->status_code;
$success = false;
$message = $reply->error->message;
$link = 'https://view.moezx.cc/images/2019/10/28/default_d_h_large.gif';
$proxy = akina_option('cmt_image_proxy') . $link;
$output = array(
'status' => $status,
'success' => $success,
'message' => $message,
'link' => $link,
'proxy' => $proxy,
return $output;
* Imgur upload interface
public function Imgur_API($image) {
$upload_url = akina_option('imgur_upload_image_proxy');
$args = array(
'headers' => array(
'Authorization' => 'Client-ID ' . $this->imgur_client_id,
'body' => array(
'image' => base64_encode($image),
$response = wp_remote_post($upload_url, $args);
$reply = json_decode($response["body"]);
if ($reply->success && $reply->status == 200) {
$status = 200;
$success = true;
$message = "success";
$link = $reply->data->link;
$proxy = akina_option('cmt_image_proxy') . $link;
} else {
$status = $reply->status;
$success = false;
$message = $reply->data->error;
$link = 'https://view.moezx.cc/images/2019/10/28/default_d_h_large.gif';
$proxy = akina_option('cmt_image_proxy') . $link;
$output = array(
'status' => $status,
'success' => $success,
'message' => $message,
'link' => $link,
'proxy' => $proxy,
return $output;
* smms upload interface
public function SMMS_API($image) {
$client_id = $this->smms_client_id;
$upload_url = "https://sm.ms/api/v2/upload";
$filename = $image['cmt_img_file']['name'];
$filedata = $image['cmt_img_file']['tmp_name'];
$Boundary = wp_generate_password();
$bits = file_get_contents($filedata);
$args = array(
"headers" => "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=$Boundary\r\n\r\nAuthorization: Basic $client_id\r\n\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.97",
"body" => "--$Boundary\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"smfile\"; filename=\"$filename\"\r\n\r\n$bits\r\n\r\n--$Boundary--"
$response = wp_remote_post($upload_url, $args);
$reply = json_decode($response["body"]);
if ($reply->success && $reply->code == 'success') {
$status = 200;
$success = true;
$message = $reply->message;
$link = $reply->data->url;
$proxy = akina_option('cmt_image_proxy') . $link;
} else if (preg_match("/Image upload repeated limit/i", $reply->message, $matches)) {
$status = 200; // sm.ms 接口不规范,建议检测到重复的情况下返回标准化的 code并单独把 url 放进一个字段
$success = true;
$message = $reply->message;
$link = str_replace('Image upload repeated limit, this image exists at: ', '', $reply->message);
$proxy = akina_option('cmt_image_proxy') . $link;
} else {
$status = 400;
$success = false;
$message = $reply->message;
$link = 'https://view.moezx.cc/images/2019/10/28/default_d_h_large.gif';
$proxy = akina_option('cmt_image_proxy') . $link;
$output = array(
'status' => $status,
'success' => $success,
'message' => $message,
'link' => $link,
'proxy' => $proxy,
return $output;
public static function cover_gallery() {
if (akina_option('cover_cdn_options') == "type_2") {
$img_array = glob(get_template_directory() . "/manifest/gallary/*.{gif,jpg,png}", GLOB_BRACE);
$img = array_rand($img_array);
$imgurl = trim($img_array[$img]);
$imgurl = str_replace(get_template_directory(), get_template_directory_uri(), $imgurl);
} elseif (akina_option('cover_cdn_options') == "type_3") {
$imgurl = akina_option('cover_cdn');
} else {
global $sakura_image_array;
$img_array = json_decode($sakura_image_array, true);
$img = array_rand($img_array);
$img_domain = akina_option('cover_cdn') ? akina_option('cover_cdn') : get_template_directory_uri();
if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'], 'image/webp')) {
$imgurl = $img_domain . "/manifest/" . $img_array[$img]["webp"][0];
} else {
$imgurl = $img_domain . "/manifest/" . $img_array[$img]["jpeg"][0];
return $imgurl;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

inc/classes/QQ.php 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
namespace Sakura\API;
class QQ
public static function get_qq_info($qq) {
$get_info = file_get_contents('http://r.qzone.qq.com/fcg-bin/cgi_get_portrait.fcg?get_nick=1&uins=' . $qq);
$get_info = mb_convert_encoding($get_info, "UTF-8", "GBK");
$name = json_decode(substr($get_info, 17, -1), true);
if ($name) {
$output = array(
'status' => 200,
'success' => true,
'message' => 'success',
'avatar' => 'https://q.qlogo.cn/headimg_dl?dst_uin=' . $qq . '&spec=100',
'name' => $name[$qq][6],
} else {
$output = array(
'status' => 404,
'success' => false,
'message' => 'QQ number not exist.'
return $output;
public static function get_qq_avatar($encrypted) {
global $sakura_privkey;
if (isset($encrypted)) {
$iv = str_repeat($sakura_privkey, 2);
$encrypted = base64_decode(urldecode($encrypted));
$qq_number = openssl_decrypt($encrypted, 'aes-128-cbc', $sakura_privkey, 0, $iv);
preg_match('/^\d{3,}$/', $qq_number, $matches);
$imgurl = 'https://q2.qlogo.cn/headimg_dl?dst_uin=' . $matches[0] . '&spec=100';
return $imgurl;

View File

@ -67,8 +67,9 @@ mashiro_option.jsdelivr_css_src = "<?php echo get_template_directory_uri() ?>/cd
<?php } else { ?>
mashiro_option.jsdelivr_css_src = "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/mashirozx/Sakura@<?php echo SAKURA_VERSION; ?>/cdn/css/lib.min.css";
<?php } ?>
<?php if (akina_option('playlist_id', '')): ?>
<?php if (akina_option('aplayer_server') != 'off'): ?>
mashiro_option.float_player_on = true;
mashiro_option.meting_api_url = "<?php echo rest_url('sakura/v1/meting/aplayer'); ?>";
<?php endif; ?>
mashiro_option.cover_api = "<?php echo rest_url('sakura/v1/image/cover'); ?>";

View File

@ -819,7 +819,7 @@ if (mashiro_option.float_player_on) {
var b = 'https://api.i-meto.com/meting/api?server=:server&type=:type&id=:id&r=:r';
var b = mashiro_option.meting_api_url + '?server=:server&type=:type&id=:id&_wpnonce=' + Poi.nonce;
'undefined' != typeof meting_api && (b = meting_api);
for (var f = 0; f < aplayers.length; f++) try {
@ -832,7 +832,7 @@ if (mashiro_option.float_player_on) {
f = d.dataset.id;
if (f) {
var g = d.dataset.api || b;
g = g.replace(':server', d.dataset.server), g = g.replace(':type', d.dataset.type), g = g.replace(':id', d.dataset.id), g = g.replace(':auth', d.dataset.auth), g = g.replace(':r', Math.random());
g = g.replace(':server', d.dataset.server), g = g.replace(':type', d.dataset.type), g = g.replace(':id', d.dataset.id);
var h = new XMLHttpRequest;
h.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (4 === h.readyState && (200 <= h.status && 300 > h.status || 304 === h.status)) {
@ -997,7 +997,7 @@ function load_bangumi() {
$('body').on('click', '#bangumi-pagination a', function () {
$("#bangumi-pagination a").addClass("loading").text("");
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open('POST', this.href, true);
xhr.open('POST', this.href + "&_wpnonce=" + Poi.nonce, true);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200) {
var html = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
@ -1396,7 +1396,7 @@ var home = location.href,
$('html').css('overflow-y', 'hidden');
if (mashiro_option.live_search) {
var QueryStorage = [];
search_a(Poi.api + "sakura/v1/cache_search/json");
search_a(Poi.api + "sakura/v1/cache_search/json?_wpnonce=" + Poi.nonce);
var otxt = addComment.I("search-input"),
list = addComment.I("PostlistBox"),

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Sakura\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-04-05 11:52+0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-04-05 11:52+0800\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-04-06 17:56+0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-04-06 17:56+0800\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: en_US\n"
@ -222,10 +222,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "page %s "
msgstr ""
#: inc/api.php:337 inc/theme_plus.php:727
msgid "The comment is private"
msgstr ""
#: inc/categories-images.php:45 inc/categories-images.php:66
msgid "category/tag image"
msgstr ""
@ -247,6 +243,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "no image"
msgstr ""
#: inc/classes/Cache.php:70 inc/theme_plus.php:727
msgid "The comment is private"
msgstr ""
#: inc/options-framework.php:182 inc/options-framework.php:183
#: inc/options-framework.php:412
msgid "Sakura Options"
@ -923,7 +923,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Whether to turn on the top-feature"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:446 options.php:1104
#: options.php:446 options.php:1126
msgid "Default on"
msgstr ""
@ -1380,198 +1380,239 @@ msgid "Footer float music player"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:926
msgid ""
"If you don't need the player just leave it blank.Fill in the \"song list\" "
"ID of Netease Cloud Music, eg: https://music.163.com/#/playlist?"
"id=2288037900 The ID is 2288037900"
msgid "Choose which platform you'll use."
msgstr ""
#: options.php:931
msgid "Netease Cloud Music (default)"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:932
msgid "Version Control"
msgid "Xiami Music"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:933
msgid "KuGou Music"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:934
msgid "Baidu Music"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:935
msgid "QQ Music (may fail) "
msgstr ""
#: options.php:936
msgid "Off"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:940
msgid "Song list ID"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:941
msgid ""
"Fill in the \"song list\" ID, eg: https://music.163.com/#/playlist?"
"id=2288037900 The ID is 2288037900"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:947
msgid "Netease Cloud Music cookie"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:948
msgid ""
"For Netease Cloud Music, fill in your vip account's cookies if you want to "
"play special tracks.<b>If you don't know what does mean, left it blank.</b>"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:954
msgid "Version Control"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:955
msgid ""
"Used to update frontend cookies and browser caches, any string can be used"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:939
#: options.php:961
msgid "Enable PJAX (recommand on)"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:940
#: options.php:962
msgid "The principle is the same as Ajax"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:946
#: options.php:968
msgid "Enable NProgress progress bar"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:947 options.php:954 options.php:961
#: options.php:969 options.php:976 options.php:983
msgid "Default off, check on"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:953
#: options.php:975
msgid "Enable sidebar widget"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:960
#: options.php:982
msgid "Enable Announcement"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:967
#: options.php:989
msgid "Announcement content"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:968
#: options.php:990
msgid ""
"Announcement content, the text exceeds 142 bytes will be scrolled display "
"(mobile device is invalid)"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:973
#: options.php:995
msgid "Bilibili UID"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:974
#: options.php:996
msgid ""
"Fill in your UID, eg.https://space.bilibili.com/13972644/, only fill in with "
"the number part."
msgstr ""
#: options.php:980
#: options.php:1002
msgid "Bilibili Cookie"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:981
#: options.php:1003
msgid ""
"Fill in your Cookies, go to your bilibili homepage, you can get cookies in "
"brownser network pannel with pressing F12. If left this blank, you'll not "
"get the progress."
msgstr ""
#: options.php:986
#: options.php:1008
msgid "The categories of articles that don't not show on homepage"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:987 options.php:994
#: options.php:1009 options.php:1016
msgid "Fill in category ID, multiple IDs are divided by a comma \",\""
msgstr ""
#: options.php:993
#: options.php:1015
msgid "Images category"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1000
#: options.php:1022
msgid "Statistics Interface"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1005
#: options.php:1027
msgid ""
"WP-Statistics plugin (Professional statistics, can exclude invalid access)"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1006
#: options.php:1028
msgid "Theme built-in (simple statistics, calculate each page access request)"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1010
#: options.php:1032
msgid "Statistical data display format"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1015
#: options.php:1037
msgid "23333 Views (default)"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1016
#: options.php:1038
msgid "23,333 Views (britain)"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1017
#: options.php:1039
msgid "23 333 Views (french)"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1018
#: options.php:1040
msgid "23k Views (chinese)"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1022
#: options.php:1044
msgid "Gravatar avatar proxy"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1023
#: options.php:1045
msgid ""
"A front-ed proxy for Gravatar, eg. gravatar.2heng.xin/avatar . Leave it "
"blank if you do not need."
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1029
#: options.php:1051
msgid "Comment image upload API"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1034
#: options.php:1056
msgid "Imgur (https://imgur.com)"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1035
#: options.php:1057
msgid "SM.MS (https://sm.ms)"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1036
#: options.php:1058
msgid "Chevereto (https://chevereto.com)"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1040
#: options.php:1062
msgid "Imgur Client ID"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1041
#: options.php:1063
msgid ""
"Register your application <a href=\"https://api.imgur.com/oauth2/addclient"
"\">here</a>, note we only need the Client ID here."
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1047
#: options.php:1069
msgid "SM.MS Secret Token"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1048
#: options.php:1070
msgid ""
"Register your application <a href=\"https://sm.ms/home/apitoken\">here</a>."
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1054
#: options.php:1076
msgid "Chevereto API v1 key"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1055
#: options.php:1077
msgid "Get your API key here: "
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1061
#: options.php:1083
msgid "Chevereto URL"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1062
#: options.php:1084
msgid ""
"Your Chevereto homepage url, no slash in the end, eg. https://your.cherverto."
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1068
#: options.php:1090
msgid "Comment images proxy"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1069
#: options.php:1091
msgid ""
"A front-ed proxy for the uploaded images. Leave it blank if you do not need."
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1075
#: options.php:1097
msgid "Imgur upload proxy"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1076
#: options.php:1098
msgid ""
"A back-ed proxy to upload images. You may set a self hosted proxy with "
"Nginx, following my <a href=\"https://2heng.xin/2018/06/06/javascript-upload-"
@ -1581,151 +1622,151 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1082
#: options.php:1104
msgid "Enable live search"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1083
#: options.php:1105
msgid ""
"Real-time search in the foreground, call the Rest API to update the cache "
"every hour, you can manually set the cache time in api.php"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1089
#: options.php:1111
msgid "Include comments in live search"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1090
#: options.php:1112
msgid ""
"Search for comments in real-time search (not recommended if there are too "
"many comments on the site)"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1096
#: options.php:1118
msgid "Enable baguetteBox"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1097
#: options.php:1119
msgid ""
"Default off<a href=\"https://github.com/mashirozx/Sakura/wiki/Fancybox"
"\">please read wiki</a>"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1103
#: options.php:1125
msgid "Enable lazyload in posts"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1110
#: options.php:1132
msgid "lazyload spinner"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1111
#: options.php:1133
msgid "The placeholder to display when the image loads, fill in the image url"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1117
#: options.php:1139
msgid "Whether to enable the clipboard copyright"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1118
#: options.php:1140
msgid ""
"Automatically add a copyright to the clipboard when copying more than 30 "
"bytes, which is enabled by default."
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1124
#: options.php:1146
msgid "Email address prefix"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1125
#: options.php:1147
msgid ""
"For sending system mail, the sender address displayed in the user's mailbox, "
"do not use Chinese, the default system email address is bibi@your_domain_name"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1131
#: options.php:1153
msgid "Comments reply notification"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1132
#: options.php:1154
msgid ""
"WordPress will use email to notify users when their comments receive a reply "
"by default. Tick this item allows users to set their own comments reply "
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1138
#: options.php:1160
msgid "Administrator comment notification"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1139
#: options.php:1161
msgid ""
"Whether to use email notification when the administrator's comments receive "
"a reply"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1145
#: options.php:1167
msgid "Enable private comment"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1146
#: options.php:1168
msgid "Allow users to set their own comments to be invisible to others"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1152
#: options.php:1174
msgid "Human verification"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1153
#: options.php:1175
msgid "Enable human verification"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1159
#: options.php:1181
msgid "QQ avatar link encryption"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1160
#: options.php:1182
msgid "Do not display the user's qq avatar links directly."
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1165
#: options.php:1187
msgid "Off (default)"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1166
#: options.php:1188
msgid "use redirect (general security)"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1167
#: options.php:1189
msgid "fetch data at backend (high security)"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1168
#: options.php:1190
msgid "fetch data at backend (high securityslow)"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1172
#: options.php:1194
msgid "Comment UA infomation"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1173
#: options.php:1195
msgid ""
"Check to enable, display the user's browser, operating system information"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1179
#: options.php:1201
msgid "Enable disqus"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1180
#: options.php:1202
msgid "Enable disqus for comment"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1186
#: options.php:1208
msgid "Time Zone adjustment"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1187
#: options.php:1209
msgid ""
"If the comment has a time difference problem adjust here, fill in an "
"integer, the calculation method: actual_time = display_error_time - "
@ -1784,7 +1825,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International"
msgstr ""
#: user/page-bangumi.php:27
#: user/page-bangumi.php:30
msgid "Please fill in the Bilibili UID in Sakura Options."
msgstr ""

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=INTEGER; plural=EXPRESSION;\n"
"Project-Id-Version: Sakura\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-04-05 11:50+0800\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-04-06 17:55+0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-11-01 14:27+0800\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
@ -220,10 +220,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "page %s "
msgstr ""
#: inc/api.php:337 inc/theme_plus.php:727
msgid "The comment is private"
msgstr ""
#: inc/categories-images.php:45 inc/categories-images.php:66
msgid "category/tag image"
msgstr ""
@ -244,6 +240,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "no image"
msgstr ""
#: inc/classes/Cache.php:70 inc/theme_plus.php:727
msgid "The comment is private"
msgstr ""
#: inc/options-framework.php:182 inc/options-framework.php:183 inc/options-framework.php:412
msgid "Sakura Options"
msgstr ""
@ -911,7 +911,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Whether to turn on the top-feature"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:446 options.php:1104
#: options.php:446 options.php:1126
msgid "Default on"
msgstr ""
@ -1359,189 +1359,231 @@ msgid "Footer float music player"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:926
msgid ""
"If you don't need the player just leave it blank.Fill in the \"song list\" ID of Netease Cloud "
"Music, eg: https://music.163.com/#/playlist?id=2288037900 The ID is 2288037900"
msgid "Choose which platform you'll use."
msgstr ""
#: options.php:931
msgid "Netease Cloud Music (default)"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:932
msgid "Version Control"
msgid "Xiami Music"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:933
msgid "Used to update frontend cookies and browser caches, any string can be used"
msgid "KuGou Music"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:939
msgid "Enable PJAX (recommand on)"
#: options.php:934
msgid "Baidu Music"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:935
msgid "QQ Music (may fail) "
msgstr ""
#: options.php:936
msgid "Off"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:940
msgid "Song list ID"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:941
msgid ""
"Fill in the \"song list\" ID, eg: https://music.163.com/#/playlist?id=2288037900 The ID is "
msgstr ""
#: options.php:947
msgid "Netease Cloud Music cookie"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:948
msgid ""
"For Netease Cloud Music, fill in your vip account's cookies if you want to play special tracks."
"<b>If you don't know what does mean, left it blank.</b>"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:954
msgid "Version Control"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:955
msgid "Used to update frontend cookies and browser caches, any string can be used"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:961
msgid "Enable PJAX (recommand on)"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:962
msgid "The principle is the same as Ajax"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:946
#: options.php:968
msgid "Enable NProgress progress bar"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:947 options.php:954 options.php:961
#: options.php:969 options.php:976 options.php:983
msgid "Default off, check on"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:953
#: options.php:975
msgid "Enable sidebar widget"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:960
#: options.php:982
msgid "Enable Announcement"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:967
#: options.php:989
msgid "Announcement content"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:968
#: options.php:990
msgid ""
"Announcement content, the text exceeds 142 bytes will be scrolled display (mobile device is "
msgstr ""
#: options.php:973
#: options.php:995
msgid "Bilibili UID"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:974
#: options.php:996
msgid ""
"Fill in your UID, eg.https://space.bilibili.com/13972644/, only fill in with the number part."
msgstr ""
#: options.php:980
#: options.php:1002
msgid "Bilibili Cookie"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:981
#: options.php:1003
msgid ""
"Fill in your Cookies, go to your bilibili homepage, you can get cookies in brownser network "
"pannel with pressing F12. If left this blank, you'll not get the progress."
msgstr ""
#: options.php:986
#: options.php:1008
msgid "The categories of articles that don't not show on homepage"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:987 options.php:994
#: options.php:1009 options.php:1016
msgid "Fill in category ID, multiple IDs are divided by a comma \",\""
msgstr ""
#: options.php:993
#: options.php:1015
msgid "Images category"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1000
#: options.php:1022
msgid "Statistics Interface"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1005
#: options.php:1027
msgid "WP-Statistics plugin (Professional statistics, can exclude invalid access)"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1006
#: options.php:1028
msgid "Theme built-in (simple statistics, calculate each page access request)"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1010
#: options.php:1032
msgid "Statistical data display format"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1015
#: options.php:1037
msgid "23333 Views (default)"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1016
#: options.php:1038
msgid "23,333 Views (britain)"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1017
#: options.php:1039
msgid "23 333 Views (french)"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1018
#: options.php:1040
msgid "23k Views (chinese)"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1022
#: options.php:1044
msgid "Gravatar avatar proxy"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1023
#: options.php:1045
msgid ""
"A front-ed proxy for Gravatar, eg. gravatar.2heng.xin/avatar . Leave it blank if you do not "
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1029
#: options.php:1051
msgid "Comment image upload API"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1034
#: options.php:1056
msgid "Imgur (https://imgur.com)"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1035
#: options.php:1057
msgid "SM.MS (https://sm.ms)"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1036
#: options.php:1058
msgid "Chevereto (https://chevereto.com)"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1040
#: options.php:1062
msgid "Imgur Client ID"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1041
#: options.php:1063
msgid ""
"Register your application <a href=\"https://api.imgur.com/oauth2/addclient\">here</a>, note we "
"only need the Client ID here."
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1047
#: options.php:1069
msgid "SM.MS Secret Token"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1048
#: options.php:1070
msgid "Register your application <a href=\"https://sm.ms/home/apitoken\">here</a>."
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1054
#: options.php:1076
msgid "Chevereto API v1 key"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1055
#: options.php:1077
msgid "Get your API key here: "
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1061
#: options.php:1083
msgid "Chevereto URL"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1062
#: options.php:1084
msgid "Your Chevereto homepage url, no slash in the end, eg. https://your.cherverto.com"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1068
#: options.php:1090
msgid "Comment images proxy"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1069
#: options.php:1091
msgid "A front-ed proxy for the uploaded images. Leave it blank if you do not need."
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1075
#: options.php:1097
msgid "Imgur upload proxy"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1076
#: options.php:1098
msgid ""
"A back-ed proxy to upload images. You may set a self hosted proxy with Nginx, following my <a "
"href=\"https://2heng.xin/2018/06/06/javascript-upload-images-with-imgur-api/\">turtal</a>. "
@ -1550,146 +1592,146 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1082
#: options.php:1104
msgid "Enable live search"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1083
#: options.php:1105
msgid ""
"Real-time search in the foreground, call the Rest API to update the cache every hour, you can "
"manually set the cache time in api.php"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1089
#: options.php:1111
msgid "Include comments in live search"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1090
#: options.php:1112
msgid ""
"Search for comments in real-time search (not recommended if there are too many comments on the "
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1096
#: options.php:1118
msgid "Enable baguetteBox"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1097
#: options.php:1119
msgid ""
"Default off<a href=\"https://github.com/mashirozx/Sakura/wiki/Fancybox\">please read wiki</a>"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1103
#: options.php:1125
msgid "Enable lazyload in posts"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1110
#: options.php:1132
msgid "lazyload spinner"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1111
#: options.php:1133
msgid "The placeholder to display when the image loads, fill in the image url"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1117
#: options.php:1139
msgid "Whether to enable the clipboard copyright"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1118
#: options.php:1140
msgid ""
"Automatically add a copyright to the clipboard when copying more than 30 bytes, which is "
"enabled by default."
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1124
#: options.php:1146
msgid "Email address prefix"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1125
#: options.php:1147
msgid ""
"For sending system mail, the sender address displayed in the user's mailbox, do not use "
"Chinese, the default system email address is bibi@your_domain_name"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1131
#: options.php:1153
msgid "Comments reply notification"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1132
#: options.php:1154
msgid ""
"WordPress will use email to notify users when their comments receive a reply by default. Tick "
"this item allows users to set their own comments reply notification"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1138
#: options.php:1160
msgid "Administrator comment notification"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1139
#: options.php:1161
msgid "Whether to use email notification when the administrator's comments receive a reply"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1145
#: options.php:1167
msgid "Enable private comment"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1146
#: options.php:1168
msgid "Allow users to set their own comments to be invisible to others"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1152
#: options.php:1174
msgid "Human verification"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1153
#: options.php:1175
msgid "Enable human verification"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1159
#: options.php:1181
msgid "QQ avatar link encryption"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1160
#: options.php:1182
msgid "Do not display the user's qq avatar links directly."
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1165
#: options.php:1187
msgid "Off (default)"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1166
#: options.php:1188
msgid "use redirect (general security)"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1167
#: options.php:1189
msgid "fetch data at backend (high security)"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1168
#: options.php:1190
msgid "fetch data at backend (high securityslow)"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1172
#: options.php:1194
msgid "Comment UA infomation"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1173
#: options.php:1195
msgid "Check to enable, display the user's browser, operating system information"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1179
#: options.php:1201
msgid "Enable disqus"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1180
#: options.php:1202
msgid "Enable disqus for comment"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1186
#: options.php:1208
msgid "Time Zone adjustment"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1187
#: options.php:1209
msgid ""
"If the comment has a time difference problem adjust here, fill in an integer, the calculation "
"method: actual_time = display_error_time - the_integer_you_entered (unit: hour)"
@ -1743,7 +1785,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International"
msgstr ""
#: user/page-bangumi.php:27
#: user/page-bangumi.php:30
msgid "Please fill in the Bilibili UID in Sakura Options."
msgstr ""

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Sakura\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-04-05 11:52+0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-04-05 11:52+0800\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-04-06 17:55+0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-04-06 17:56+0800\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: zh_CN\n"
@ -227,10 +227,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "page %s "
msgstr "第 %s 页 "
#: inc/api.php:337 inc/theme_plus.php:727
msgid "The comment is private"
msgstr "该评论为私密评论"
#: inc/categories-images.php:45 inc/categories-images.php:66
msgid "category/tag image"
msgstr "分类/标签图像"
@ -252,6 +248,10 @@ msgstr "图像"
msgid "no image"
msgstr "暂无"
#: inc/classes/Cache.php:70 inc/theme_plus.php:727
msgid "The comment is private"
msgstr "该评论为私密评论"
#: inc/options-framework.php:182 inc/options-framework.php:183
#: inc/options-framework.php:412
msgid "Sakura Options"
@ -938,7 +938,7 @@ msgstr "点点"
msgid "Whether to turn on the top-feature"
msgstr "是否开启聚焦"
#: options.php:446 options.php:1104
#: options.php:446 options.php:1126
msgid "Default on"
msgstr "默认开启"
@ -1412,52 +1412,95 @@ msgid "Footer float music player"
msgstr "页脚悬浮播放器"
#: options.php:926
msgid ""
"If you don't need the player just leave it blank.Fill in the \"song list\" "
"ID of Netease Cloud Music, eg: https://music.163.com/#/playlist?"
"id=2288037900 The ID is 2288037900"
msgstr ""
msgid "Choose which platform you'll use."
msgstr "选择你要使用的平台。"
#: options.php:931
msgid "Netease Cloud Music (default)"
msgstr "网易云音乐(默认)"
#: options.php:932
msgid "Xiami Music"
msgstr "虾米音乐"
#: options.php:933
msgid "KuGou Music"
msgstr "酷狗音乐"
#: options.php:934
msgid "Baidu Music"
msgstr "百度音乐"
#: options.php:935
msgid "QQ Music (may fail) "
msgstr "QQ音乐可能解析失败 "
#: options.php:936
msgid "Off"
msgstr "关闭"
#: options.php:940
msgid "Song list ID"
msgstr "「歌单」ID"
#: options.php:941
msgid ""
"Fill in the \"song list\" ID, eg: https://music.163.com/#/playlist?"
"id=2288037900 The ID is 2288037900"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:947
msgid "Netease Cloud Music cookie"
msgstr "网易云音乐 Cookies"
#: options.php:948
msgid ""
"For Netease Cloud Music, fill in your vip account's cookies if you want to "
"play special tracks.<b>If you don't know what does mean, left it blank.</b>"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:954
msgid "Version Control"
msgstr "版本控制"
#: options.php:933
#: options.php:955
msgid ""
"Used to update frontend cookies and browser caches, any string can be used"
msgstr "用于更新前端 cookie 及浏览器缓存,可使用任意字符串"
#: options.php:939
#: options.php:961
msgid "Enable PJAX (recommand on)"
msgstr "开启PJAX局部刷新建议开启"
#: options.php:940
#: options.php:962
msgid "The principle is the same as Ajax"
msgstr "原理与Ajax相同"
#: options.php:946
#: options.php:968
msgid "Enable NProgress progress bar"
msgstr "开启NProgress加载进度条"
#: options.php:947 options.php:954 options.php:961
#: options.php:969 options.php:976 options.php:983
msgid "Default off, check on"
msgstr "默认不开启,勾选开启"
#: options.php:953
#: options.php:975
msgid "Enable sidebar widget"
msgstr "支持侧栏小部件"
#: options.php:960
#: options.php:982
msgid "Enable Announcement"
msgstr "开启公告"
#: options.php:967
#: options.php:989
msgid "Announcement content"
msgstr "公告内容"
#: options.php:968
#: options.php:990
msgid ""
"Announcement content, the text exceeds 142 bytes will be scrolled display "
"(mobile device is invalid)"
@ -1465,22 +1508,22 @@ msgstr ""
"公告内容文字超出142个字节将会被滚动显示移动端无效一个汉字 = 3字节一"
"个字母 = 1字节自己计算吧"
#: options.php:973
#: options.php:995
msgid "Bilibili UID"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:974
#: options.php:996
msgid ""
"Fill in your UID, eg.https://space.bilibili.com/13972644/, only fill in with "
"the number part."
msgstr ""
#: options.php:980
#: options.php:1002
msgid "Bilibili Cookie"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:981
#: options.php:1003
msgid ""
"Fill in your Cookies, go to your bilibili homepage, you can get cookies in "
"brownser network pannel with pressing F12. If left this blank, you'll not "
@ -1489,56 +1532,56 @@ msgstr ""
#: options.php:986
#: options.php:1008
msgid "The categories of articles that don't not show on homepage"
msgstr "首页不显示的分类文章"
#: options.php:987 options.php:994
#: options.php:1009 options.php:1016
msgid "Fill in category ID, multiple IDs are divided by a comma \",\""
msgstr "填写分类ID多个用英文“ , ”分开"
#: options.php:993
#: options.php:1015
msgid "Images category"
msgstr "图片展示分类"
#: options.php:1000
#: options.php:1022
msgid "Statistics Interface"
msgstr "统计接口"
#: options.php:1005
#: options.php:1027
msgid ""
"WP-Statistics plugin (Professional statistics, can exclude invalid access)"
msgstr "WP-Statistics 插件(专业性统计,可排除无效访问)"
#: options.php:1006
#: options.php:1028
msgid "Theme built-in (simple statistics, calculate each page access request)"
msgstr "主题内建(简单的统计,计算每一次页面访问请求)"
#: options.php:1010
#: options.php:1032
msgid "Statistical data display format"
msgstr "统计数据显示格式"
#: options.php:1015
#: options.php:1037
msgid "23333 Views (default)"
msgstr "23333 次访问(默认)"
#: options.php:1016
#: options.php:1038
msgid "23,333 Views (britain)"
msgstr "23,333 次访问(英式)"
#: options.php:1017
#: options.php:1039
msgid "23 333 Views (french)"
msgstr "23 333 次访问(法式)"
#: options.php:1018
#: options.php:1040
msgid "23k Views (chinese)"
msgstr "23k 次访问(中式)"
#: options.php:1022
#: options.php:1044
msgid "Gravatar avatar proxy"
msgstr "Gravatar头像代理"
#: options.php:1023
#: options.php:1045
msgid ""
"A front-ed proxy for Gravatar, eg. gravatar.2heng.xin/avatar . Leave it "
"blank if you do not need."
@ -1546,27 +1589,27 @@ msgstr ""
#: options.php:1029
#: options.php:1051
msgid "Comment image upload API"
msgstr "评论上传图片接口"
#: options.php:1034
#: options.php:1056
msgid "Imgur (https://imgur.com)"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1035
#: options.php:1057
msgid "SM.MS (https://sm.ms)"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1036
#: options.php:1058
msgid "Chevereto (https://chevereto.com)"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1040
#: options.php:1062
msgid "Imgur Client ID"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1041
#: options.php:1063
msgid ""
"Register your application <a href=\"https://api.imgur.com/oauth2/addclient"
"\">here</a>, note we only need the Client ID here."
@ -1574,48 +1617,48 @@ msgstr ""
"在<a href=\"https://api.imgur.com/oauth2/addclient\">这里</a>注册你的 "
"application , 注意此处只需要填写 Client ID."
#: options.php:1047
#: options.php:1069
msgid "SM.MS Secret Token"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1048
#: options.php:1070
msgid ""
"Register your application <a href=\"https://sm.ms/home/apitoken\">here</a>."
msgstr "在<a href=\"https://sm.ms/home/apitoken\">这里</a>获取 key."
#: options.php:1054
#: options.php:1076
msgid "Chevereto API v1 key"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1055
#: options.php:1077
msgid "Get your API key here: "
msgstr "在这里获取你的 API key "
#: options.php:1061
#: options.php:1083
msgid "Chevereto URL"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1062
#: options.php:1084
msgid ""
"Your Chevereto homepage url, no slash in the end, eg. https://your.cherverto."
msgstr ""
"你的 Chevereto 首页 url, 注意结尾没有 /, 例如https://your.cherverto.com"
#: options.php:1068
#: options.php:1090
msgid "Comment images proxy"
msgstr "评论图片代理"
#: options.php:1069
#: options.php:1091
msgid ""
"A front-ed proxy for the uploaded images. Leave it blank if you do not need."
msgstr "前端显示的图片的代理。"
#: options.php:1075
#: options.php:1097
msgid "Imgur upload proxy"
msgstr "Imgur 上传代理"
#: options.php:1076
#: options.php:1098
msgid ""
"A back-ed proxy to upload images. You may set a self hosted proxy with "
"Nginx, following my <a href=\"https://2heng.xin/2018/06/06/javascript-upload-"
@ -1630,11 +1673,11 @@ msgstr ""
"端显示都需要代理!如果服务器在国外不需要上传代理,此处填写默认值即可:【<a "
#: options.php:1082
#: options.php:1104
msgid "Enable live search"
msgstr "启用实时搜索"
#: options.php:1083
#: options.php:1105
msgid ""
"Real-time search in the foreground, call the Rest API to update the cache "
"every hour, you can manually set the cache time in api.php"
@ -1642,21 +1685,21 @@ msgstr ""
"前台实现实时搜索,调用 Rest API 每小时更新一次缓存,可在 api.php 里手动设置缓"
#: options.php:1089
#: options.php:1111
msgid "Include comments in live search"
msgstr "实时搜索包含评论"
#: options.php:1090
#: options.php:1112
msgid ""
"Search for comments in real-time search (not recommended if there are too "
"many comments on the site)"
msgstr "在实时搜索中搜索评论(如果网站评论数量太多不建议开启)"
#: options.php:1096
#: options.php:1118
msgid "Enable baguetteBox"
msgstr "启用 baguetteBox"
#: options.php:1097
#: options.php:1119
msgid ""
"Default off<a href=\"https://github.com/mashirozx/Sakura/wiki/Fancybox"
"\">please read wiki</a>"
@ -1664,33 +1707,33 @@ msgstr ""
"默认禁用,<a href=\"https://github.com/mashirozx/Sakura/wiki/Fancybox\">请阅"
#: options.php:1103
#: options.php:1125
msgid "Enable lazyload in posts"
msgstr "文章内图片启用 lazyload"
#: options.php:1110
#: options.php:1132
msgid "lazyload spinner"
msgstr "lazyload 占位图"
#: options.php:1111
#: options.php:1133
msgid "The placeholder to display when the image loads, fill in the image url"
msgstr "图片加载时要显示的占位图,填写图片 url"
#: options.php:1117
#: options.php:1139
msgid "Whether to enable the clipboard copyright"
msgstr "是否开启剪贴板版权标识"
#: options.php:1118
#: options.php:1140
msgid ""
"Automatically add a copyright to the clipboard when copying more than 30 "
"bytes, which is enabled by default."
msgstr "复制超过30个字节时自动向剪贴板添加版权标识默认开启。"
#: options.php:1124
#: options.php:1146
msgid "Email address prefix"
msgstr "发件地址前缀"
#: options.php:1125
#: options.php:1147
msgid ""
"For sending system mail, the sender address displayed in the user's mailbox, "
"do not use Chinese, the default system email address is bibi@your_domain_name"
@ -1698,11 +1741,11 @@ msgstr ""
"地址为 bibi@你的域名"
#: options.php:1131
#: options.php:1153
msgid "Comments reply notification"
msgstr "邮件回复通知"
#: options.php:1132
#: options.php:1154
msgid ""
"WordPress will use email to notify users when their comments receive a reply "
"by default. Tick this item allows users to set their own comments reply "
@ -1711,78 +1754,78 @@ msgstr ""
#: options.php:1138
#: options.php:1160
msgid "Administrator comment notification"
msgstr "邮件回复通知管理员"
#: options.php:1139
#: options.php:1161
msgid ""
"Whether to use email notification when the administrator's comments receive "
"a reply"
msgstr "当管理员评论收到回复时是否使用邮件通知"
#: options.php:1145
#: options.php:1167
msgid "Enable private comment"
msgstr "允许私密评论"
#: options.php:1146
#: options.php:1168
msgid "Allow users to set their own comments to be invisible to others"
msgstr "允许用户设置自己的评论对其他人不可见"
#: options.php:1152
#: options.php:1174
msgid "Human verification"
msgstr "机器人验证"
#: options.php:1153
#: options.php:1175
msgid "Enable human verification"
msgstr "开启机器人验证"
#: options.php:1159
#: options.php:1181
msgid "QQ avatar link encryption"
msgstr "QQ头像链接加密"
#: options.php:1160
#: options.php:1182
msgid "Do not display the user's qq avatar links directly."
msgstr "不直接暴露用户QQ头像链接"
msgstr "不直接暴露用户QQ头像链接"
#: options.php:1165
#: options.php:1187
msgid "Off (default)"
msgstr "关闭(默认)"
#: options.php:1166
#: options.php:1188
msgid "use redirect (general security)"
msgstr "使用重定向(安全性低)"
#: options.php:1167
#: options.php:1189
msgid "fetch data at backend (high security)"
msgstr "后端获取头像数据(安全性高)"
#: options.php:1168
#: options.php:1190
msgid "fetch data at backend (high securityslow)"
msgstr "后端解析QQ头像接口安全性高"
#: options.php:1172
#: options.php:1194
msgid "Comment UA infomation"
msgstr "评论UA信息"
#: options.php:1173
#: options.php:1195
msgid ""
"Check to enable, display the user's browser, operating system information"
msgstr "勾选开启,显示用户的浏览器,操作系统信息"
#: options.php:1179
#: options.php:1201
msgid "Enable disqus"
msgstr "开启多说插件支持"
#: options.php:1180
#: options.php:1202
msgid "Enable disqus for comment"
msgstr "多说已经凉了~~"
#: options.php:1186
#: options.php:1208
msgid "Time Zone adjustment"
msgstr "时区调整"
#: options.php:1187
#: options.php:1209
msgid ""
"If the comment has a time difference problem adjust here, fill in an "
"integer, the calculation method: actual_time = display_error_time - "
@ -1842,7 +1885,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International"
msgstr "知识共享署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 4.0 国际许可协议"
#: user/page-bangumi.php:27
#: user/page-bangumi.php:30
msgid "Please fill in the Bilibili UID in Sakura Options."
msgstr "请在后台设置填写 Bilibili UID 后继续。"

View File

@ -923,11 +923,33 @@ function optionsframework_options()
$options[] = array(
'name' => __('Footer float music player', 'sakura'), /*页脚悬浮播放器*/
'desc' => __('If you don\'t need the player just leave it blank.Fill in the "song list" ID of Netease Cloud Music, eg: https://music.163.com/#/playlist?id=2288037900 The ID is 2288037900', 'sakura'), /*如果不需要播放器留空即可。填写网易云音乐的「歌单」IDeghttps://music.163.com/#/playlist?id=2288037900的ID是2288037900*/
'id' => 'playlist_id',
'desc' => __('Choose which platform you\'ll use.', 'sakura'),
'id' => 'aplayer_server',
'std' => "netease",
'type' => "select",
'options' => array(
'netease' => __('Netease Cloud Music (default)', 'sakura'),
'xiami' => __('Xiami Music', 'sakura'),
'kugou' => __('KuGou Music', 'sakura'),
'baidu' => __('Baidu Music', 'sakura'),
'tencent' => __('QQ Music (may fail) ', 'sakura'),
'off' => __('Off', 'sakura'),
$options[] = array(
'name' => __('Song list ID', 'sakura'),
'desc' => __('Fill in the "song list" ID, eg: https://music.163.com/#/playlist?id=2288037900 The ID is 2288037900', 'sakura'),
'id' => 'aplayer_playlistid',
'std' => '2288037900',
'type' => 'text');
$options[] = array(
'name' => __('Netease Cloud Music cookie', 'sakura'),
'desc' => __('For Netease Cloud Music, fill in your vip account\'s cookies if you want to play special tracks.<b>If you don\'t know what does mean, left it blank.</b>', 'sakura'),
'id' => 'aplayer_cookie',
'std' => '',
'type' => 'textarea');
$options[] = array(
'name' => __('Version Control', 'sakura'), /*版本控制*/
'desc' => __('Used to update frontend cookies and browser caches, any string can be used', 'sakura'), /*用于更新前端 cookie 及浏览器缓存,可使用任意字符串*/

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Theme URI: https://github.com/mashirozx/Sakura/
Author: Mashiro, Spirit, Louie, Fuzzz
Author URI: http://2heng.xin
Description: A wonderful branch of theme Akina
Version: 3.3.7
Version: 3.3.8
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
Text Domain: sakura
@ -8721,8 +8721,11 @@ h1[id*=toc-head]::before,h2[id*=toc-head]::before,h3[id*=toc-head]::before,h4[id
max-width: 33.3333%;
flex: 0 0 33.3333%;
.bangumi-title {
height: 30%;
.bangumi-item .bangumi-info{
height: 50%;
height: 45%;
transform: translateY(140%);

View File

@ -21,7 +21,10 @@ get_header();
<section class="bangumi">
<?php if (akina_option('bilibili_id') ):?>
<div class="row">
<?php echo get_bgm_items(); ?>
$bgm = new \Sakura\API\Bilibili();
echo $bgm->get_bgm_items();
<?php else: ?>
<div class="row">
<p> <?php _e("Please fill in the Bilibili UID in Sakura Options.","sakura"); ?></p>