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2022-06-27 10:35:06 +08:00
* botui 0.3.4
* A JS library to build the UI for your bot
* Copyright 2017, Moin Uddin
* Released under the MIT license.
(function (root, factory) {
"use strict";
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define([], function () {
return (root.BotUI = factory(root));
} else {
root.BotUI = factory(root);
}(typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : this, function (root, undefined) {
"use strict";
var BotUI = (function (id, opts) {
opts = opts || {};
if(!id) {
throw Error('BotUI: Container id is required as first argument.');
if(!document.getElementById(id)) {
throw Error('BotUI: Element with id #' + id + ' does not exist.');
if(!root.Vue && !opts.vue) {
throw Error('BotUI: Vue is required but not found.');
var _botApp, // current vue instance.
_options = {
debug: false,
fontawesome: true
_container, // the outermost Element. Needed to scroll to bottom, for now.
_interface = {}, // methods returned by a BotUI() instance.
_markDownRegex = {
icon: /!\(([^\)]+)\)/igm, // !(icon)
image: /!\[(.*?)\]\((.*?)\)/igm, // ![aleternate text](src)
link: /\[([^\[]+)\]\(([^\)]+)\)(\^?)/igm // [text](link) ^ can be added at end to set the target as 'blank'
_fontAwesome = '',
_esPromisePollyfill = ''; // mostly for IE
root.Vue = root.Vue || opts.vue;
// merge opts passed to constructor with _options
for (var prop in _options) {
if (opts.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
_options[prop] = opts[prop];
if(!root.Promise && !Promise && !options.promise) {
function _linkReplacer(match, $1, $2, $3) {
var _target = $3 ? 'blank' : ''; // check if '^' sign is present with link syntax
return "<a class='botui-message-content-link' target='" + _target + "' href='" + $2 +"'>" + $1 + "</a>";
function _parseMarkDown(text) {
return text
.replace(_markDownRegex.image, "<img class='botui-message-content-image' src='$2' alt='$1' />")
.replace(_markDownRegex.icon, "<i class='botui-icon botui-message-content-icon fa fa-$1'></i>")
.replace(, _linkReplacer);
function loadScript(src, cb) {
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.type = 'text/javascript';
script.src = src;
if(cb) {
script.onload = cb;
function _handleAction(text) {
if(_instance.action.addMessage) {
delay: 100,
content: text
} = !_instance.action.autoHide;
var _botuiComponent = {
template: '<div class=\"botui botui-container\" v-botui-container><div class=\"botui-messages-container\"><div v-for=\"msg in messages\" class=\"botui-message\" :class=\"msg.cssClass\" v-botui-scroll><transition name=\"slide-fade\"><div v-if=\"msg.visible\" :class=\"[{human: msg.human, \'botui-message-content\': true}, msg.type]\"><span v-if=\"msg.type == \'text\'\" v-text=\"msg.content\" v-botui-markdown></span> <iframe v-if=\"msg.type == \'embed\'\" :src=\"msg.content\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen></iframe></div></transition><div v-if=\"msg.loading\" class=\"botui-message-content loading\"><i class=\"dot\"></i><i class=\"dot\"></i><i class=\"dot\"></i></div></div></div><div class=\"botui-actions-container\"><transition name=\"slide-fade\"><div v-if=\"\" v-botui-scroll><form v-if=\"action.type == \'text\'\" class=\"botui-actions-text\" @submit.prevent=\"handle_action_text()\" :class=\"action.cssClass\"><i v-if=\"action.text.icon\" class=\"botui-icon botui-action-text-icon fa\" :class=\"\'fa-\' + action.text.icon\"></i> <input type=\"text\" ref=\"input\" :type=\"action.text.sub_type\" v-model=\"action.text.value\" class=\"botui-actions-text-input\" :placeholder=\"action.text.placeholder\" :size=\"action.text.size\" :value=\"action.text.value\" :class=\"action.text.cssClass\" required v-focus/> <button type=\"submit\" :class=\"{\'botui-actions-buttons-button\': !!action.text.button, \'botui-actions-text-submit\': !action.text.button}\"><i v-if=\"action.text.button && action.text.button.icon\" class=\"botui-icon botui-action-button-icon fa\" :class=\"\'fa-\' + action.text.button.icon\"></i> <span>{{(action.text.button && action.text.button.label) || \'Go\'}}</span></button></form><div v-if=\"action.type == \'button\'\" class=\"botui-actions-buttons\" :class=\"action.cssClass\"> <button type=\"button\" :class=\"button.cssClass\" class=\"botui-actions-buttons-button\" v-for=\"button in action.button.buttons\" @click=\"handle_action_button(button)\" autofocus><i v-if=\"button.icon\" class=\"botui-icon botui-action-button-icon fa\" :class=\"\'fa-\' + button.icon\"></i> {{button.text}}</button></div></div></transition></div></div>', // replaced by HTML template during build. see Gulpfile.js
data: function () {
return {
action: {
text: {
size: 30,
placeholder: 'Write here ..'
button: {},
show: false,
type: 'text',
autoHide: true,
addMessage: true
messages: []
computed: {
isMobile: function () {
return root.innerWidth && root.innerWidth <= 768;
methods: {
handle_action_button: function (button) {
var defaultActionObj = {
type: 'button',
text: button.text,
value: button.value
for (var eachProperty in button) {
if (button.hasOwnProperty(eachProperty)) {
if (eachProperty !== 'type' && eachProperty !== 'text' && eachProperty !== 'value') {
defaultActionObj[eachProperty] = button[eachProperty];
handle_action_text: function () {
if(!this.action.text.value) return;
type: 'text',
value: this.action.text.value
this.action.text.value = '';
root.Vue.directive('botui-markdown', function (el, binding) {
if(binding.value == 'false') return; // v-botui-markdown="false"
el.innerHTML = _parseMarkDown(el.textContent);
root.Vue.directive('botui-scroll', {
inserted: function (el) {
_container.scrollTop = _container.scrollHeight;
root.Vue.directive('focus', {
inserted: function (el) {
root.Vue.directive('botui-container', {
inserted: function (el) {
_container = el;
_botApp = new root.Vue({
components: {
'bot-ui': _botuiComponent
}).$mount('#' + id);
var _instance = _botApp.$children[0]; // to access the component's data
function _addMessage(_msg) {
if(!_msg.loading && !_msg.content) {
throw Error('BotUI: "content" is required in a non-loading message object.');
_msg.type = _msg.type || 'text';
_msg.visible = (_msg.delay || _msg.loading) ? false : true;
var _index = _instance.messages.push(_msg) - 1;
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
setTimeout(function () {
if(_msg.delay) {
_msg.visible = true;
if(_msg.loading) {
_msg.loading = false;
}, _msg.delay || 0);
function _checkOpts(_opts) {
if(typeof _opts === 'string') {
_opts = {
content: _opts
return _opts || {};
_interface.message = {
add: function (addOpts) {
return _addMessage( _checkOpts(addOpts) );
bot: function (addOpts) {
addOpts = _checkOpts(addOpts);
return _addMessage(addOpts);
human: function (addOpts) {
addOpts = _checkOpts(addOpts);
addOpts.human = true;
return _addMessage(addOpts);
get: function (index) {
return Promise.resolve(_instance.messages[index]);
remove: function (index) {
_instance.messages.splice(index, 1);
return Promise.resolve();
update: function (index, msg) { // only content can be updated, not the message type.
var _msg = _instance.messages[index];
_msg.content = msg.content;
_msg.visible = !msg.loading;
_msg.loading = !!msg.loading;
return Promise.resolve(msg.content);
removeAll: function () {
_instance.messages.splice(0, _instance.messages.length);
return Promise.resolve();
function mergeAtoB(objA, objB) {
for (var prop in objA) {
if (!objB.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
objB[prop] = objA[prop];
function _checkAction(_opts) {
if(!_opts.action) {
throw Error('BotUI: "action" property is required.');
function _showActions(_opts) {
type: 'text',
cssClass: '',
autoHide: true,
addMessage: true
}, _opts);
_instance.action.type = _opts.type;
_instance.action.cssClass = _opts.cssClass;
_instance.action.autoHide = _opts.autoHide;
_instance.action.addMessage = _opts.addMessage;
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
_actionResolve = resolve; // resolved when action is performed, i.e: button clicked, text submitted, etc.
setTimeout(function () { = true;
}, _opts.delay || 0);
_interface.action = {
show: _showActions,
hide: function () { = false;
return Promise.resolve();
text: function (_opts) {
_instance.action.text = _opts.action;
return _showActions(_opts);
button: function (_opts) {
_opts.type = 'button';
_instance.action.button.buttons = _opts.action;
return _showActions(_opts);
if(_options.fontawesome) {
if(_options.debug) {
_interface._botApp = _botApp; // current Vue instance
return _interface;
return BotUI;